Archive for February 17th, 2011

February 17, 2011

155. turn around

I have loved this photo of Lana’s ever since I spied it in her Flickr photostream. Today it’s feeling a little “coffee as mistress.”See more of Lanamania on Flickr and Posterous.

February 17, 2011

154. to go

Steve took this the other day as he was returning from a presscheck. He often golfs before work (at 6:30 or 7:00) and takes coffee with him. The cups always seem to stay in the car, though his clubs always make it back into the house.  In fact, I believe our car runs on his coffee cups. Fully caffeinated, of course.

February 17, 2011

153. coffee and paper

From Lana, who is this blog’s frequent flier. Love her point of view, and her obsession with coffee photos that may rival mine. Lana is a grad student at Pratt and shows her stuff here and here.

February 17, 2011

150. froth and sugar

Here is a cup of espresso, with a touch of froth and sugar in the raw.”

From Kim Hinds in Texas, blogging at Kim Hinds Photography.


February 17, 2011

149. what she sees

From Marty of Milton, Florida. Marty’s blog is Sam’s Family, and her Fickr photostream is here.